We know our liestyle plays an impotant role in our health and wellness, that is why we want to help you gain and maintain your endocryne system and metabolism in balance.
An early diagnosis and an adequate control can prevent complications in your health and your families, especially if we start our day with healthy habits.
The area of I.H Metabolic Center works on the optimus development of your fisical condition and overall health; also maximize your health quality through evaluation, treatment and monitoring of an individual plan, with constant support and efective education of our specialists.
Our main goal is the treatment to prevent obesity and the asociated diseases like: diabetes, heart problems, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, amoung others.
We are side by side healthy individuals, and also people with acute or chronic illness.
We offer simple, safe and sucessfull nutrition solutions so you can gain the best body from the inside out.
Some of our solutions are:
- Offer individual nutritional orientation.
- Offer weight gain or loss based on a specific individual analysis.
- Offer special nutrition programs for: diabetic patients, high blood pressure patients, renal patients, athlets or any other metabolic condition that requieres specific nutrion.
- Offer special nutrition plans for patients that are going to undergo a surgical procedure.
- Offer special nutrition plans for patients that have recently had a obesity surgical procedure.
- We work as a team while you receive support from psychology, internal medicine and nutrion specialists.
Bone densitymetry
- Perform diagnostic evaluation and early treatment in cases of osteopenia or osteoporosis.
- Evaluate the risk of fractures according to the bone density at the moment the test is done.
- Evaluate the mineral bone density at any age or height, since the densitometry machine compares the Tscore (standard according to the age of the patient).
- In seconds it evaluates the bone density of the spine and femur.
- The densitometry offers less radiation than an ordinary x-ray machine.
Featured notes
Featured notes

Medline Plus
Planificación de las comidas para la diabetes tipo 2

Medline Plus
Trastornos del metabolismo de los carbohidratos

From México
(686) 5 23 64 07
1 (855) 75 8 0741
Av. Francisco I. Madero No. 665
Col. Primera Sección
CP 21100 Mexicali.
Open 24 hours and the 7 days of the week
Taxi service from the border line to the clinic and vice versa.
Delivery of Medical Line Passes to USA Patients.