Dr. Eduardo Pasallo Álvarez
Gastrointestinal surgeon, Minimally invasive surgery and Obesity surgery

Obesity is a complex disorder that consists in having an excess of body fat.

It is important to highlight that being overweight is not only a aestetic issue, but it is related to health issues like, diabetes, heart diseases, formation of calculi, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, cronic fatigue, amoung others.

Recent investigations have associated obesity with a genetic predisposition, nevertheless other factors contribute also like the psychosocial and economic factors that can lead towards obesity and generate a constant fight to weight control.

Since the psychological aspects of the obesity are so important, the evaluations and psychologic interventions are part of our comprehensive focus that walks next to the bariatric surgery.

We have sensitivity to win the battles that obesity involves, that is why we want to take care of you, with the respect and comprehension than this involves.

If you have significant overweight and would like to make a change of life, you could be a candidate for weight loss through a bariatric surgery.

We offer an alternate named: Bariatric Surgery (Gastric sleeve, Gastric by-pass, Intragastric Ballon). This is how our team reduces the size of your stomach with the goal of having you feel satisfied and with this eat much less.

This is a teamwork that includes: physicans, psychologists, nutritionists and surgical specialists. This is teamwork, since all of our efforts need your help to reach the goal and you start loosing weight in a secure and successful manner.

This is a commitment with your health and wellness and we are commited to help you reach your goal. The services we offer are:

  • Offer office visits and orientation to patients in regards to bariatric procedures.
  • Offer comprehensive evaluations to candidates for bariatric surgery procedures.
  • Perform placement of intragastric ballons.
  • Perform gastric sleeves or gastric by-pass in case needed.
  • We offer comprehensive health with assistance of psychologists, internal medicine physicians and nutrionists.

Bone densitymetry

  • Perform diagnostic evaluation and early treatment in cases of osteopenia or osteoporosis.
  • Evaluate the risk of fractures according to the bone density at the moment the test is done.
  • Evaluate the mineral bone density at any age or height, since the densitometry machine compares the Tscore (standard according to the age of the patient).
  • In seconds it evaluates the bone density of the spine and femur.
  • The densitometry offers less radiation than an ordinary x-ray machine.


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Frequently asked questions about bariatric surgery

What is bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery involves modifying the stomach and/or the intestines through a surgical procedure, to induce a significant and durable weight loss due to restriction (reducing the amount of food you eat), the inhibition of the calories or nutriments absorbed or a combination of both.


Do I qualify for bariatric surgery?

There is a formula that calculates the index body mass (IBM) which consists in dividing the weight into the square height, if this result is over than 35, you could be a candidate for the surgery.

Calculate your body mass (IBM):


How much weight can I lose?

Bariatric surgery allows a weight loss between 50 and 70% of the overweight during the period of 1 year.


How long does the complete process last?

The process can be divided into 3 phases:

1. The evaluation phase.

2. The preoperative phase.

3. The postoperative phase.

Intragastric Balloon

The intragastric balloon is a special balloon designed to be placed inside the stomach with a help of an endoscope. Once it is placed, it is filled with 400-700ml of physiological solution, to fill a good size of the stomach and with this give a satiety sensation.

The balloon remains inside the stomach for a period of 6 months maximum; once this time has elapsed, the balloon must be removed through a new endoscopic procedure. The solution is removed from the balloon using a special needle and then the deflated balloon is taken out through the mouth.

Ideal procedure for patients with overweight.

  • No surgery involved.
  • It’s an out-patient surgery (no overnight in a hospital)
  • It’s done under sedation and without any discomfort
  • Fast procedure (approximately 15 minutes)
  • Ideal procedure for patients who need to lose between 5-15kg (11-33 pounds)
Gastric Sleeve

The vertical gastrectomy in sleeve or “gastric sleeve” is a restrictive procedure that consists in separating and removing approximately 80% of the stomach, creating a longitudinal reservoir with an approximate capacity of 100-150ml.

The vertical sleeve help lose weight by 2 mechanisms: the first one and the most evident one, is the physical mechanism that the restriction produces; the second one is at the physiological level involving the hormones reducing hunger.

The results may vary among patients due to multiple factors being the adherence and the compromise of the patient with the treatment the most important one, other factors involved are the age, amount of overweight and the period of the disease, which also affect the result of the treatment.

Designed for results between a short to medium period.

  • The surgery that less alters the normal body anatomy.
  • Good response on patients with metabolic disorders.
  • Weight loss up to 80% of the overweight.
  • It requires the less vitamins supplements.
  • Less amount of food on each intake.
  • Irreversible procedure.
Gastric Bypass

The gastric bypass in “Roux’s Y” (better known as gastric bypass) is the surgery that has been done since a longer time around the world and is considered by some surgeons as “the gold standard” in bariatric surgery. Since this procedure needs more surgical ability, only bariatric surgeons who have the experience and the correct training could offer you this type of procedures.

The procedure consists in sectioning the stomach creating a small gastric reservoir with a capacity between 15-30ml. To reestablish the intestinal transit, the gastric reservoir is then connected to a portion of the small intestine, establishing a “digestive loop”. The bile and the bile-pancreatic secretions continue the normal pathway through the “bile-pancreatic loop”, which then is connected to the digestive loop to make a “common pathway”. The absorption of the nutrients is done at the common pathway, when the food and the bile-pancreatic secretions mix.

The results may vary among patients due to multiple factors being the adherence and the compromise of the patient with the treatment the most important one, other factors involved are the age, amount of overweight and the period of the disease, which also affect the result of the treatment.

The surgery with the longest follow-up.

  • Good response on patients with metabolic disorders.
  • Good results on patients with gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Weight loss between 70-100% of the overweight.
  • This type of procedure requires supplement ingestion.
  • Less amount of food on each intake.
  • Reversal procedure.
Mini Bypass

The mini bypass or gastric bypass with one anastomosis (BAGUA) is a technique that is performed with minimal invasive surgery, which combines the best aspects of the gastric sleeve with the best aspects of the gastric bypass. It is the newest surgical procedure in the bariatric field because it offers the best results in weight loss and in correction of the associated diseases.

The results may vary among patients due to multiple factors being the adherence and the compromise of the patient with the treatment the most important one, other factors involved are the age, amount of overweight and the period of the disease, which also affect the result of the treatment.

Modern minimal invasive technique with excellent results

  • Combines the best aspects of the gastric sleeve and the bypass.
  • It reduces significantly the negative effects of the sleeve or bypass.
  • Easily reversal.
  • More amount of food intake without the sensation of food being stuck.
  • Very good results on patients with metabolic disorders (the best).
  • The best results in patients with gastroesophageal reflux.
  • The most weight loss between 80-100% of the overweight.
  • No Dumping Syndrome.
  • Very low incidence of intestinal obstruction.
  • Just a simple anastomosis which is easy to evaluate.
  • It offers the best results during a long term.
  • Very low incidence of weight gaining.

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Av. Francisco I. Madero No. 665
Col. Primera Sección
CP 21100 Mexicali.


Open 24 hours and the 7 days of the week

Taxi service from the border line to the clinic and vice versa.

Delivery of Medical Line Passes to USA Patients.